There is an automatic assignment of the NAICS code. In other words, there is a list of codes available for different industries and companies that may be selected according to their specific activity such as business activity code for consulting. You may need to use more than one NAICS code ...
The NAPCS code structure is designed to provide clarity and precision in product classification: Industry Subject Area:Defines the scope of NAICS and national industries covered by the product list. Understanding this scope is crucial for businesses to identify relevant markets and opportunities. ...
CAGE code registration General information (business types, organization structure, etc.) Financial information (Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Information) Proceedings details “Assertions” Goods and Services (NAICS, PSC, etc.) Size Metrics Disaster Relief Information (FEMA) “Representations and Certifi...
Product Code: 8620000 Professional Membership Assns NAICS Code: 81392 Professional Organizations SIC Code: 8621 Professional organizations; 7389 Business services, not elsewhere classifiedGeographic: Geographic Scope: United States Geographic Code: 1USA United StatesAccession...