This makes it easy for subreddit communities and moderators to police themselves and learn how authentic a person is based on their previous posts and “Reddit karma.”So, when creating an account, consider using an anonymous username.It’s easy to create an account. You just need an email ...
(doc, zip, mp3, etc.) and create groups or channels that can hold up to 200,000 people to broadcast to an unlimited audience. You can write to your phone contact and find a person by username. Therefore, Telegram is like a combination of SMS and email—it can meet all your personal...
Hi, Guys, Need your help. What will be my formula for the table below. I know its looks easy but I have a hard time manipulating the...
I am trying to create a data table with two variables, but when I'm initiating the what-if analysis, the data are coming all wrong.
On the other hand, servers are channels where communities can gather and exchange ideas. You can think of these servers as forums similar to subreddits and AOL chat rooms. If you want a virtual hangout place that’s exclusive to your friends, you can even create a private Discord server....
see your Reddit karma score on your Reddit user profile. You can access this from your user URL directly (for instance, Alternatively, you can access your profile once you’re signed in by selecting your Reddit username in the top-right, then selecting theMy Profile...
- This is the default GMail web interface. Some users also refer to it simply as their “Gmail”. If you use this domain name, you won't need to remember another username/password combination.That said, you still need to make sure you protect your email ID against unauthorized...
ReddIt Email Print Tumblr Telegram Weekly Digest Subscribe to stay updated Weekly Newsletter, Subscribe to stay updated! MultiLingual Weekly Digest – everything that happens in the localization space every week, in an easy-to-digest format. Get a weekly compilation of the latest stories ...
Explore app management in the Company Portal, complex app deployment on macOS, and security settings management.
ELI5:Explain Like I'm Five. This is a request for someone to explain something simply. It's also a popular subreddit,/r/explainlikeimfive. FTFY:Fixed that for you. Used when correcting a prior comment; often humorously. IMO:In my opinion. ...