This selection of videos is for budding new wizarding world fans to get the ultimate Hogwarts education. Scroll down and learn about the history of magical families, an analysis of Hogwarts houses and much much more. First off, what is the wizarding world anyway?
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out of all the houses Hufflepuff has produced the least number of dark witches and wizards. The badger is the symbol of this house, the colours are yellow and black, the Head of House is Professor Pomona Sprout and the common room can be found near the kitchens in Hogwarts. ...
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House Pride events are limited time events that run from time to time on Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery which pit teams of two to four players against each other as they compete for House Points for their House. The winning teams receive prizes....
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Tunnell This is the true story of Gail Halvorsen, an American pilot and real-life hero, who parachuted small bags of candy over the war-torn city of Berlin, giving hope to children and families during the aftermath of World War... More About This Book The Capybara Conspiracy Erica S. ...
a一个小女还在公交车站等车, A my daughter also in vehicles and so on bus stop,[translate] aOne of your house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a Self-Spelling Quill. Now he has come top of the class in Charms, beating you into second place. Professor Flitwick is suspicious...
Are you the sort of person the Sorting Hat would send straight into Slytherin House? Take the quiz and find out!
When I was growing up, my brother would babysit me. You would think that would be a good idea for my parents. It's a great way to save money and good for him to hone his skills when it came to responsibilities. For the most part, it was a pretty decent system but with the two...