Reminder: This quiz is designed to be a fun way to increase self-awareness of potentially difficult personality traits. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool. The results will describe your traits when taken to the extreme and thus should be used only to the extent you find them helpful....
START QUIZ Do you kiss on the first date? Usually Never Sometimes Rarely Are you more emotional or more logical? I'm a little of both. I think I'm more instinctual. I'm mostly logical. I'm far more emotional. What personality trait do you find most attractive?
Our What Is Your Ideal Girlfriend? Quiz is designed to help you discover the type of partner that best matches your personality and preferences. It's like having a map that leads you to the treasure of a great relationship! This quiz asks questions about your interests, lifestyle, and valu...
There's no one way to have fun; everyone parties differently! Share your celebrating style by taking this quiz and finding out what your true party personality is! START QUIZ What kind of decor would you rather see at a party? Rustic. ...
Take our entrepreneur quiz to discover your personality type and unlock curated resources to help build your dream business.
When his mind is set on something, Atticus does not give in. This is not out of stubbornness, but rather an obligation that he feels he owes to his principles. It’s easy to see the Judging personality trait in action when Atticus, faced with political pressure from the rest of Maycomb...
Every teacher approaches their job differently. Which famous teacher are you most like? Take this teacher personality quiz to find out.
When a person uses this trait in a story, it is usually for one of three reasons. He might want to give this flaw to a character to make him seem more relatable, because readers or people in an audience generally accept that no one is perfect. The author also might use it to create...
A: I want to put my knowledge and experience to use in a challenging position. In order to achieve this goal, I just want to work step by step. I: What is your long-range objective? A: I haven't thought it over at all.
Character defines the core ethical traits of a person, like honesty and integrity, while behavior is how one acts in specific situations, often influenced by the environment.