Expecto Patronum! A Patronus is your guardian, your spirit animal, and a complex charm that any good witch or wizard needs to keep the dementors away. Find out what is your Patronus with our Patronus quiz!
by Firestar What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network. Have a look around and see what we're about. Quiz topic: What's my Patronus?Trending...
1. Remus Lupin – The Patronus Charm The best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has to be Remus Lupin – a character from Harry Potter who deserved more screen time than he was given. Come on, he taught Harry the Patronus Charm in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. How can...
What Is a Patronus? In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, a Patronus is a powerful spiritual guardian that appears when a witch or wizard casts the Patronus Charm by saying Expecto Patronum.[1] The Patronus Charm is mainly used in defensive situations when a Dementor is present. The spell...
Unfortunately, Harry is rubbish at it.Lupin tells Harry the happy thoughts he needs to conjure the Patronus Charm aren't happy enough, and he needs to think of something else. Warner Bros. "Yeah OK. I've got something." Advertisement"...
Harry teaches the Dead Wizards Society their final lesson: the Patronus Charm. Warner Bros. "No matter what anybody tells you, spells and charms can change the world." Hermione successfully conjures an otter Patronus. Warner Bros. A mighty, mighty otter. Harry is impressed. Warner Bros. ...