In the old days (=now) most intranets are hierarchy based. The question is, is this still the way to go?Recently there have been a lot of changes is the...
basics of ms excel computer abbreviations computer shortcut keys high level computer languages basics of cloud computing computer and hardware questions basics of ms word let us first understand some basic aspects of microsoft word. what is ms word? used to make professional-quality documents, ...
ms excel which will help candidates preparing for competitive exams to score more in the computer awareness section. q 1. the address that is obtained by the combination of the row number and the column alphabet is called ___. worksheet cell workbox cell address column address answer: (4) ...
AccountsSystems HardeningUser Access Review (UAR)Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability ScanningWhat is a Pass-the-Hash Attack (PtH)?Windows AuditingZero Standing Privileges Aug 9, 2023 Managed Services Provider (MSP) Glossary 1m Nov 19, 2024 Identity and Access Management (IAM) Glossary 1m Tags Cybers...
Here is what I found. The update driver page said that there are no drivers or software to be updated. I trust I have everything updated or could it be that some of my drivers can not be updated because of age. I bought the computer in 2017 or 2018 so hope...
It must be updating the Mcafee AV software which Dell said was current Allen Lindaas from MSP it seems to conflict with mirosofts new beta anti spyware or rather the antispyware is conflicting with mcshield, my processes runs near 100% when they are both running. mosier40823 Why does it ...
There are 17.9 million private addresses. is one of them and it's the default router IP address for a number of different routers, including some
Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager made waves at Microsoft Ignite 2018 in Orlando with several new features and enhancements announced...
_MY_DEFINITION_;WIN32;<different options>.vcxproj_MY_DEFINITION_;WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;_LIB;_UNEXPECTED_DEF_FROM_ANOTHER_SOLUTION_so look like the <different options> in the VS property page is mapped to whatever after the "WIN32" in the .vcxproj file. My question is how can I get ...
_MY_DEFINITION_;WIN32;<different options> .vcxproj _MY_DEFINITION_;WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;_LIB;_UNEXPECTED_DEF_FROM_ANOTHER_SOLUTION_ so look like the <different options> in the VS property page is mapped to whatever after the "WIN32" in the .vcxproj file. My question is how can I get...