Oh yes, I suggest not taking this quiz when you hate MLP: FiM (which is My Little Pony for those who don't know the acronym). If you don't hate MLP, but don't know anything about it as well, you can still take this quiz, you don't need to understand much about MLP for this...
Who is your HxH husband? Take this quiz to find out! K I R A@Kiraschwingz HxHAnimeBoyfriend #hunterxhunterquiz 90 Diagnosis results:Daily Name-based diagnosis Enter your name for diagnosis Diagnose Creator K I R A @Kiraschwingz WQP1YQ2X7V ...
Name Style ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENTBelow is the table that specifies some of the common naming styles in Python. Consider the following table.TypeNaming ConventionExamples Function We should use the lowercase words or separates words by the underscore. myfunction, my_function Variable We should use...