Another thing to consider is that a high test score can help you get admitted to certain schools if you have a lower GPA than what their typical admits have. (However, this won't help you so much at highly selective institutions—they expect students to have high marks across the board!)...
your SAT goal score will be yours and yours alone.Other students might have higher or lower goal scores than you—but none of that matters. In the end, whatdoesmatter is your goal score's likelihood of getting you into the college of your dreams!
december 11, 2024 find your perfect school i want my in focusing on key takeaways : a good high school gpa is a numerical representation of academic performance, typically calculated on a four-point scale. most schools use a 4.0 scale for gpa calculations, with letter grades corresponding to...
That depends on the school and program. The minimum GPA required by most graduate schools is either 2.5 or 3.0. However, others may require a higher minimum GPA such as 3.3. Keep in mind that you may need a higher grade point average for competitive programs at some of the top school...
Personal Narrative: My GPA My GPA as of last semester is a 2.598. Although my GPA is average it doesn’t meet my goals. My current GPA doesn’t meet my high school or college expectations. I’m highly disappointed in my GPA. I know that I could have worked harder and strived for my...
The personal statement is really important, the reasons why (for example why was a GPA so low), and do they convince me that they are capable of doing well in law school and being a good lawyer.How did you go through the application? Those that came to you were already behind the ...
What happens at UT Austin is that the physics department has weed out courses at the lower divisions, whereas one good thing about MIT physics is that there really are no weed out courses. People have rather high (and perhaps unreachable) standards, but one thing that I liked about MIT is...
Yup. One problem with life is that there isn't a reset button. I'd be curious to see what would have happened had I gone to big state school, or if I had focused a bit more and gotten myself in the Harvard grad school. Really? I know tons of totally ignorant people that tend...
What If My Score Is Too Low? If you take the test and you get lower than your goal score, what should you do? Don't panic—you have a few options. We'll go over them here and help you figure out when you should consider them. ...
furfur to survive in PA could not be related to the presence of a ∆9-desaturase gene OLE1, which is involved in the conversion of saturated to unsaturated acids, such as PA to palmitoleic acid, because this gene has also been found in other species/strains where PA is fungicidal [3,...