Chinese zodiac What is My Chinese Zodiac Sign?There are 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac. Every year has a zodiac animal sign. Your zodiac sign is decided by your birth year. For example, 1977 is the year of the Snake, if you were born in 1977, then your Chinese zodiac animal is ...
Here you can find which chinese sign you are, just enter your birth date and time (if you know it) and click the button:what chinese zodiac sign am I? Find your chinese sign here: Birth Date Time (is the Solar Time) Astrological Chinese Year beginning(¿what is this?) See also...
Your zodiac sign, element, and horoscope for 2025 are determined by your birth year. Use our Chinese zodiac calculator to discover your Chinese zodiac, elements, and predictions for 2025.
zodiac可以指西方的“星座”,前面加上Chinese,就可以指中国的生肖了。 (1). Dragon is the only animal in the Chinese zodiac that doesn’t exist in the natural world. 在十二生肖中,龙是唯一现实世界中不存在的动物。 (2) The ...
Chinese Zodiac Years Chart to Find your Zodiac Sign There is a time gap in the year dates between lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar. Therefore, some people born in January or February of Gregorian calendar may actually have the animal sign of the last year. What is my Chinese zodiac sign...
Free accurate Chinese horoscope calculator to find out your animal sign and element of birth according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar.
What's your Chinese zodiac animal sign? 你的生肖是什么? Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake 鼠牛虎免龙蛇 Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig 马羊猴鸡狗猪 What's your Chinese zodiac animal sign? 你的生肖是什么? All right 好吧 单词...
Jan. 26, 2014 21:51 - s. lekcharoen from philippines
Like the sign itself, love is often passionate and unpredictable. Unexpected encounters, secret rendezvous, and endless passion are all associated with this sign so be prepared for a whirlwind of romance in 2022. Now, you may be wondering which Chinese zodiac sign is your best match? Chinese ...
what's your chinese zodiac sign? 你的属相是什么? I'm a tiger. what about you? I was born in the year of the pig. 2023 is the year of the rabbit. 本命年=my year of fate, my big year, my anim...