What is multiple myeloma? Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, which are found in the soft, spongy bone marrow at the center of bones. It is rare—the average lifetime risk in the U.S. is less than 1% (about 1 in 103 for men and 1 in 131 for women), and it’s expec...
Osteosarcoma is the most common, what we call primary bone tumor. Primary bone tumor means that it’s a tumor that began in the bone, as opposed to a secondary tumor, which means that it’s a bone tumor that came from somewhere else. So osteosarcomas are tumors that typically arise in...
If your doctor tells you that you have hypercalcemia, it means you have too much calcium in your blood. The possible causes of high calcium levels include more than 25 diseases, as well as some medications, supplements, genes, and lifestyle factors. You may not notice any symptoms if you ...
When running a randomized controlled trial (RCT), a clinical site may face a situation when an eligible trial participant is to be randomized to the treatment that is not available at the site. In this case, there are two options: not to enroll the parti
Adding “diet” to the label means you’re also likely consuming aspartame – which is no better than rat poison to human cells. White Flour: When flour is refined, all nutritional value is removed. Then it’s bleached with chlorine gas to make it more appealing to consumers. The glycemic...
What is a flame cell Multiple Myeloma? Flame cells areatypical plasma cells with irregular cytoplasmic projections that stain brightpurple-red with Wright-Giemsa stain. They are usually associated with IgA myeloma but may be seen in non-IgA myelomas, MGUS, as well as reactive plasmacytosis. ...
While immunotherapy has given patients more treatment options, it is by no means the one-shot, cure-all for cancer. Using traditional therapies like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, in combination with the immunotherapy options described above, will give clinicians the ability to develop...
A serum immunofixation test measures specific proteins in your blood. It helps to identify certain illnesses that are otherwise hard to detect, such as multiple myeloma, a blood cancer. The test is also known as IFE, immunofixation electrophoresis, or protein electrophoresis. ...
After 12 years of following women who entered the study without cancer, researchers found links between greater height and higher possibility of developing cancers of the breast, colon (结肠), kidney (肾), thyroid (甲状腺), as well as multiple myeloma (骨髓瘤) and melanoma (黑素瘤). “We ...
About one in four people die of cancer but that meansthree-fourths of the population will not. So while cancer is a major disease, and one that should never be taken lightly, it doesn’t strike everyone, even those who may be at risk. In addition, many cancers are survivable today, wi...