The multi-core processor is a microprocessor that consists of several main processors that reside on a single chip. There are also multiprocessor systems, here are several processors installed on the motherboard (mainboard, base board). Unlike multi-processor systems, multi- core processors do not...
A multicore processor is an integrated circuit that has two or more processor cores attached for enhanced performance and reduced power consumption. These processors also enable more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, such as withparallel processingandmultithreading. A dual core setup is...
a multicore processor is a type of computer processor that contains multiple independent processing units, known as cores, on a single integrated circuit (ic) chip. each core can execute instructions independently and concurrently, allowing for increased processing power and improved multitasking ...
A multicore processor is a single computing component comprised of two or more CPUs that read and execute the actual program instructions. The individual cores can execute multiple instructions in parallel, increasing the performance of software which is written to utilize the unique architecture....
What Is a Multi-Core ProcessorErika, CWhat is multi-core processor?. (n.d.). Search Data Center. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from,,sid80_gci1015740,00.html
A CPU that supports SMT but only has one physical processor core isn’t considered a true multi-core processor. This distinction is mostly moot however as almost no modern CPUs only have one physical CPU core. Tip: On Intel CPUs, SMT is branded as “Hyper-threading”. ...
Multicore processors integrate multiple processing units and connect directly with their internal cache plus system bus and memory. What are processes? Aprocess, or a running process, is a collection of instructions carried out by the computer processor. ...
The processor in a personal computer or embedded in small devices is often called amicroprocessor. That term means that the processor's elements are contained in a single IC chip. Some computers will operate using amulti-core processor—a chip containing more than one CPU. A CPU is typically...
A core is one instance of an execution unit within a multicore processor. Each core has its own private cache, which allows it to carry out tasks independently without having to access main memory as often; however multiple cores can share resources such as an L2 cache. Multiple cores allow...
Each core is its own processor. Simultaneous multi-threading, called Hyper-Threading by Intel, splits each physical core into two logical processors. Each logical processor lets your operating system run two separate tasks. For example, an eight-core CPU appears as a single CPU with 8 cores ...