A traffic stop in Virginia sparked controversy last week after an Army lieutenant was pepper sprayed for refusing to exit his vehicle.
My unit is in Western Washington and I live in Southeastern Washington… to drive, at a pace much faster than the speed limit, I’d be lucky to make it in three hours… Without hesitation, I grabbed all my staged military gear and threw it into the back of my vehicle. I figured, “...
But the Fed is getting serious about stepping away from the bond market. Fed governors have been speaking in near-unison that they will taper the asset purchases, and it’s now just a question of when it starts, likely in a few months, and how fast it will go, likely a lot faster t...
Because ethanol has a lower heating value, its volume would be much lower when converted to equivalent crude oil. Production of soybean biodiesel in the U.S. is too low to get excited. Production of soybean biodiesel in the U.S. is almost irrelevant, but also highly environmentally ...