shortly. One of the great things about Windows 365 is that it is offered at a fixed price per user per month, like any other Microsoft 365 subscription. So you don't need to agonize over things like tracking, utilization or keeping idle resources running...
August 2024 MsSparkUtils upgrade to NotebookUtils The library MsSparkUtils has been rebranded as NotebookUtils. While NotebookUtils is backward compatible with MsSparkUtils, new features will only be added to the NotebookUtils namespace. For more information, see NotebookUtils (former MSSparkUti...
Get notified when this page is updated by copying and pasting the following URL into your feed reader: March 2025 Expand table DateCategoryUpdate March 11Upcoming ChangeUpcoming change to the recommendation severity levels ...
As this is a blog for Education and as I'm a network manager working in education I thought I'd add my thoughts. Unless I've missed something its not office 365 pro plus its office 365 pro plus for students. I've seen a few articles detailing how you can set this up internall...
Dear Microsoft Team (especially UX'ers at MS), may I know why it's almost end of Q2 2021 and replying to a comment is still NOT A FEATURE on desktop...
The recommendation [Machines should be configured to periodically check for missing system updates]( is also GA and is a prerequisite, which will have a ...
We are happy to announce the generally availability of the Office 365 Connectorsdeveloper platformso developers can write and publish connectors. Connectors are showcased inside the connector catalog that is surfaced to millions of Office 365 customers, through the Groups user experience.Watch Simeon fr...
Another great forum for tips and tricks is our monthly add-ins community call.Be sure to add thiscall invite to your calendar: monthly call is held every 2ndWednesdayof the monthand puts you directly in touch with engineers, dev writers, and PMs ...
TAN:When I first got here, MSR had actually hired me thinking I’d work on virtual reality. And I got here and I said, hey, VR … I’ve just done a ton of VR. VR is probably 15 or 20 years out from being democratized and consumerized. I’m going to do something for a couple...
AccountsSystems HardeningUser Access Review (UAR)Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability ScanningWhat is a Pass-the-Hash Attack (PtH)?Windows AuditingZero Standing Privileges Related Nov 20, 2024 MFA Fatigue Attack Glossary 9m Oct 1, 2024 Application Password Management...