What is a Nosocomial Infection? Discussion Comments ByRotergirl— On Jan 29, 2014 I have heard nurses say that staying for an extended length of time in the hospital was a good way to get sick. Staph infections tend to be common goolies in the hospital environment, and sometimes, MRSA eve...
What foods are most susceptible to bacterial contamination? What is the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea worldwide? What causes bacterial infection in the stomach? What causes eosinophilic gastroenteritis? What causes stomach flu? What causes a bacterial infection in the intestines?
Certain health problems make people more susceptible to skin infections such as boils. Examples of risk factors for boils include: Diabetes mellitus Problems with the immune system Poor nutrition Poor hygiene Exposure to harsh chemicals that irritate the skin Infection with community-acquired methicillin...
It can also be used to treat CA-MRSA infections, since most of these strains are susceptible. As a bacteriostatic drug, clindamycin is not considered to be suitable to treat severe infections as monotherapy, especially in immunocompromised hosts....
For nearly 30 years, MRSA was mainly restricted to hospitals, probably because it had a selective advantage compared with drug-susceptible wild-type S. aureus strains. In the 1990s MRSA was found in the community, in particular in (healthy) individuals who had no direct or indirect link with...
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has emerged as a widespread nosocomial pathogen. Many infections can be prevented if potential sources of infection are identified, the principle routes of transmission are understood, and the most susceptible patients are recognized and protected from ...
though the evolution of a larger birth canal would make giving birth an easier and possibly less dangerous process, a larger birth canal would decrease mobility and make females more susceptible to predators. Birth canal size, along with skin pigmentation and the existence of a blind spot, are ...
What are some triggers to cause the prophage to exit the bacterial chromosome? What makes Mycobacterium particularly resistant to staining? a) Why would some bacteria be susceptible and others resistant to bacteriophage lysis? b) Why is the waste treatment plant a potentially good source of bacteri...
What are Common Causes of MRSA in the Lungs? Discussion Comments ByTalentryto— On Feb 14, 2014 This is true, Rundocuri. Many people wait to see a doctor in hopes of getting better. They often also try over the counter medications that do little to help lung infection symptoms. ...
It is impossible to distinguish MRSA from the “common” S.aureus (MSSA = Methicillin Susceptible S.aureus) only from symptoms (6). MRSA itself is not more “powerful” than MSSA, but it can be dangerous when it is not recognised as MRSA and not treated with appropriate antibiotics. VISA...