In chapter two, taking Nagel's and Williams' examples as paradigms, I distinguish moral luck from ordinary luck, and the different ways one can be affected by luck. I challenge the notion that what we should aim for is a unified theory in which all kinds or instances of moral luck have...
书名: What Does It All Mean? 作者: Thomas Nagel 副标题: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy 页数: 101 出版社: Oxford University Press, USA 出版年: 1987-10-15 Introduction 1. The aim is to push our understanding of the world and ourselves a bit deeper. We couldn't get ...
MoralLuck ThomasNagel Kantbelievedthatgoodorbadluckshouldinfluenceneitherourmoraljudgmentofapersonandhis actions,norhismoralassessmentofhimself. Thegoodwillisnotgoodbecauseofwhatiteffectsoraccomplishesorbecauseofits adequacytoachievesomeproposedend;itisgoodonlybecauseofitswilling,i.e.,itis goodofitselfAnd,regarded...
moralyoudocognitiveinvestigatingneuralunlucky InvestigatingtheNeuralandCognitiveBasis ofMoralLuck:It’sNotWhatYouDo butWhatYouKnow LianeYoung&ShaunNichols&RebeccaSaxe Publishedonline:25March2010 #TheAuthor(s)2010.ThisarticleispublishedwithopenaccessatSpringerlink AbstractMoraljudgments,weexpect,oughtnottodependonl...
because they compare brain activation in moral and non-moral conditions. Thus, both precise and less precise definitions (or conceptualizations) require that those two questions be addressed. What’s more, the claim that a rough definition suffices is itself a view about definitions and scientific...