The word “fornication” is almost gone from contemporary Christian speech. It sounds creepy and antiquated. Instead, we talk about “abstinence” and “premarital sex.” According to Russell Moore, the loss of the words “fornicate” and “fornication” implicitly cedes the moral imagination to ...
Scholarship into the empirical relationship between moral intensity (MI) and ethical decision-making (EDM) offers only equivocal empirical results. This ethical decision-making study is the first cumulative review to synthesize and assess over three decades of research into Jones’ (1991) MI construct...
stringent verification standards for uploaders for years, both to fight revenue-sapping piracy and limit abusive materials from slipping onto the site — and that, if anything, they’re upset Pornhub only made these changes in response to a moral panic, as opposed to ample informed insider ...
In a murder trial, there are several potential charges that can be brought against the accused. An actual murder charge has three degrees, with first degree murder reserved for what is believed to be a premeditated killing. Other murder-related charges include voluntary and involuntary manslaughter...
A person who acts in accordance with his or her values, even through hardship and resistance is a person who is said to have high levels of integrity [1]. Though living with integrity is not always easy, this way of living ultimately provides greater peace of mind. People with integrity ...
It is improper to imply that all right acts are right for the same reason. Before defending this view, considers two possible grounds for moral obligation: 1) the goodness of the effects of an action, and 2) the goodness of the act itself. Whereas the former, which is broadly utilitarian...
Summed up in one sentence:An uneducated, gentle, kind blacksmith.Purpose in the story:To love and support Pip as his uncle. Joe is the unwavering moral compass of the book. 3. Ginny Weasley fromHarry Potter Summed up in one sentence:A feisty girl who’s the youngest sibling in the Weasl...
Moral hazards most often happen when two parties enter some sort of protection agreement and there is information asymmetry between the groups – That is, they don’t have the same knowledge about the actions that occur after the contract is in place.
If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it. —John Lewis 301 Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all private considerations must give way to it, however painful it may be. —Horatio Nelson ...
If we would form the habit of asking the church-members, “are you a saint” instead of“are you a Christian,” the question would cause more searching of the conscience and the heart,for there seems to be the prevailing idea that any moral, religious Gentile who is not a Jew, is a...