根据划线短语下文 “Popular theories propose that moths and other insects navigate(导航)by the moon and mistake lamps for moonlight, or that the insects fly towards light to escape coming danger. Now researchers believe they have a more convincing answer(流行的理论认为,飞蛾和其他昆虫是靠月亮导航...
See what moon phase it is tonight and find out when you can see the rest of the moon phases for 2025.
Obviously, without a moon in either of these positions, we cannot have eclipses. But does that affect your daily life? Not at all. But what about moonlight? No matter what phase the moon is in, it reflects sunlight and casts it down on us. Without this moonlight, it would be ...
Moonlight is the only open-source project that provides easy Silverlight access for Linux users. Many popular Linux distributions have integrated Moonlight into Web browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Techopedia Explains Moonlight Moonlight is compatible with any 32-bit or 64-bit ...
在这个句子中,直接说“road”(路)是“a ribbon of moonlight”(月光的丝带),没有使用“like”或“as”,这符合暗喻的特点。A选项Simile(明喻)需要“like”或“as”来连接比较的事物,这里没有;B选项Personification(拟人)是赋予事物人的特性,此句没有;D选项Onomatopoeia(拟声词)是模仿事物声音的词,这里不符合,...
sun sets behind the hills of Ili City, the Kazakh song “Moonlight on the Ili River” comes into your ears with a fresh breeze. The lilting accordion sound goes along with the beautiful lyric, “by the banks of the Ili River stand small poplars, the leaves rustle in bright moonlight”...
ThegenialJustice of the Peace—now,alas, no more who made himself responsible for the facts of this story, used to begin in the good old-fashioned way with a bright moonlight night and a mysterious figure, an excellent stroke for an opening, even to this day, if well followed up. ...
During this long interval of years the Duke had lost all hisheavinessof build. He was, indeed, almost askeleton; his white hair was thin, and his hands were nearlytransparent. “Oh—Mills?” he murmured. “Sit down. What is it?” ...
but he waited in vain. From within the hut the boy could hear his occasional exclamations of surprise, as if he were almost disappointed at the failure of his assumption that his guiltyDuchesswould surely keep thetryst. Sometimes he stepped from the shade of thefurzeinto the moonlight, and ...