The Movie: From one absolute favorite to another (with one more to come!),The Monster Squadalso makes its 4K Ultra HD debut this week. Now,The Monster Squadisn’t as well known asPoint Break, but it is a 1980s comedy about a group of kids who have to stop a...
While the sentimentality of a holiday to show gratitude for what we have is nice, we can’t denythe roots of Thanksgiving, which is why many Native American families and activists see the holiday asanything but something to be thankful for. The most important thing you as an individual can...
“Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch”; and wow, “The Suicide Squad” – 2021, with the help of James Gunn, DC finally got it right. “The Suicide Squad” is an R-rated cousin of The Guardians of the Galaxy, um, on crack? Margot Robbie rules as Harley Quinn aka Daddy’s Little Monster w...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
For those of you looking for episodes of Adam-12, you can go tohulu.comand watch the first two seasons on your computer. Hulu is owned by NBC Universal and News Corp. What you see here has a lot to do with what we actors are dealing with in the current negotiations between the Scree...
“T” rating for violence. According to the ESRB, this rating means the game is generally suitable for ages 13 and up. Titles in this ratings bracket usually come with occasional strong language, little to no blood, violence, and/or crude humor. InFortnite’s case, the game is rated “...
It's the ultimate story of friendship and battling not just the trials of growing up but saving their town from literal movie monsters who have no problem calling an elementary school girl the b-word. "The Monster Squad" is a deeply funny movie even if certain language elements haven't age...
My Aunt is a Witch -60% $3.99 My Fantastic Ranch: Unicorns & Dragons -70% $11.99 MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE -50% $9.99 MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE 2 Ultimate Edition -75% $19.99 MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE Mission: Above and Beyond Endeavor -50% $0.99 MY HERO ONE’S JUSTICE Mission: Gale ...
This is a popular simulation game developed by Squad and released in 2015. The game puts players in charge of the space program for the alien race known as the Kerbals. Players get access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that can fly based on realistic aerodynamic...
If “Suicide Squad” was DC’s rip off of “Guardians of the Galaxy,” then “Birds of Prey” is their rip off of “Deadpool” – R-rated superhero violence with loads of in-jokes and our hero bouncing back and forth between good and evil. But I’ll give “Birds of Prey” this ...