Innovation is bigger than a product or a technological platform. And in truth, it’s the innovations to organizations and management that precede product or technology innovation anyway. Great leaders don’t innovate the product; they innovate the factory. What simple thing can a company do to ...
As a verbcultureis to maintain in an environment suitable for growth especially of bacteria. cult English (wikipedia cult) Noun (en noun) A group of people with a religious, philosophical or cultural identity sometimes viewed as a sect, often existing on the margins of society or exploitative ...
monoculture 单一作物耕种。 [A] For example, the economies of such countries are orientated primarily toward the production of raw materials, i. e. agricultural and mineral products; these are then exported to the industrialized countries. [B] Given these conditions, it is easy to see that any...
Education for women is the best way to lower birth rates, the argument goes, and the better educated a women is, the more she will postpone motherhood. The unstated implication is that the later motherhood is postponed, the fewer children women will manage to have, due to age-related ferti...
Uniformity, in contrast, can make systems more vulnerable to diseases and environmental changes, as seen in monoculture farming practices, which while efficient, increase susceptibility to pests and diseases. 14 The debate between diversity and uniformity extends to ethical and social considerations. ...
I’m unsure if that is because monoculture is eroding, or if the label system’s failings are on display or if independence can make a sustainable career but not a big one…or if the new artists just don’t got it like that. I don’t know yet. Trevor “TP” Patterson, artist ...
In other words, they’re saying, we still have an opportunity to replace a risky monoculture with something diverse, resilient, and robust. Questions 27-30 Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage? In boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet, write YES -...
Unsustainable agriculture, however, often uses intensive monoculture and heavy chemical pesticides that can degrade soil quality and harm biodiversity. 7 In terms of economic models, sustainability advocates for economic activities that can be maintained without harmful impacts on society or the environment...
Costco’s role in the industry To some extent,growthin organic food sales has been stifled by structural issues in the agricultural industry. Namely, the powerful influence of multinationals who control food supply with vast, monoculture farms and the governments that subsidize them. ...
While basically all monoculture seed and grain crops are ecologically disastrous systems designed to grow non-nutritious ingredients for UPF (or cosmetics, animal feed or biofuels), none matches palm oil, which is in nearly every packaged food product in the supermarket, and makes up 40% of glob...