we need to understand some background information. Monash University is a well-known comprehensive u...
“What gets measured gets managed” has long been a mantra to rally improvement throughout various domains of life. Perhaps this is also the case
【Monash University is a world-class university in Australia, recognized as one of the best ...
Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia Michael Henderson University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, 4067, Australia Christine Slade & Jason Lodge University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia Erica Southgate University of Sydney, Camperdown, Sydney, NSW, 2050, Australia...
ResearchGate ResearchGate (全网免费下载) hdl.handle.net arrow.monash.edu.au pearl.plymouth.ac.uk 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Reducing dissonance along health–education fault lines: health-literacy advocacy and the case for efficacious assessment International health and education sectors alike read...
Monash UniversityAustralian PsychologistSuicide: What is to be done - Allen - 2000 () Citation Context ... understandings and definitions of suicide and self-harm behaviour. The definition of suicide for the general population continues to be debated, the crux of the argument being the element ...
Monashee Toastmasters Clubmeets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the Lumby Museum (1785 Glencaird St.) or on Zoom. Toastmasters is a win-win for those who want to get over the fear of public speaking with a supportive and fun group of members who learn from each other ...
(Australia), Australian National University, University of Canberra, Monash University, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta. He has had industry funding from Assistive Technology Australia, Chiron Health Products, Capitol Chilled Foods Australia, Archer ...
we explore how the capacity of an institution and its people to care is constrained by the constellation of these factors. Underlying these considerations, is the key question of whether higher education is a public good or private commodity. We conclude by considering what these debates in the ...
This is a breakthrough in the early prevention and diagnosis of conditions that could otherwise go hidden until they become fatal. Dr. Francine Marques, a Monash Professor in the School of Biological Sciences and fellow at the National Health and Medical Research Council and National Heart Foundati...