In this retrospective study, Valeras et al. compared the management and outcome of 168 cases of SE admitted to either a neurological intensive care unit (NICU) (27 %) or a medical intensive care unit (MICU) (73 %) in the same tertiary care hospital. The authors did not find a signific...
While the validity ofD. polymorphawas never questioned, the status ofD. r. bugensischanged multiple times (Andrusov,1890,1897; Mordukhai-Boltovskoi,1960; Starobogatov,1994b; Rosenberg & Ludyanskiy,1994; Stepien et al.,2014).Dreissena r. bugensiswas first described asD. rostriformisby Andrus...
MuStAaRtiSo-nCaonVd-2Piastha odgiseenaesseisthoaftDiseclotansatnadntOlymmicurtoantinVga,rlieaandtsing to further new variants. One SsuAcRhSv-CaroiaVn-2t iiss tahdeiDseealstae vthaaritainstc,ownhstiachntwlyams muteantitniogn, eledaedainrlgietrotofubrethaemr noenwg tvhaerimanotsst. Oprneev...