Today, you ought to have heard of the PIC microcontroller, particularly if you’re an embedded system engineer or a PCB designer. It’s the popular line of microcontroller that is currently manufactured by Microchip Technology Inc. The PIC microcontroller was introduced in 1993 by Microchip althoug...
COF File: What is it? By:Jay Geater| Revised: January 04, 2025 COF File Summary Four known software programs (notably,MPLAB IDEdeveloped byMicrochip Technology Inc.) are related to the COF file extension. In addition, they are categorized under four distinct file types, but mainly identified...
This real-world analysis shows an SNR of 72 decibels, which is close to the ideal value of 74 decibels.Baker, BonnieEDNBonnie Baker, "What does the ADC SNR Mean?," EDN, May 27, 2004.B. C. Baker, "What does the ADC SNR mean", Microchip Technology Inc., technical note, 2004....
The focus in the development of wearable technology now appears to be moving from consumer accessories to more specialized and practical applications. Microchip implants are now being used to replace keys and passwords. Embedded in a fingertip, the chips use near-field communication (NFC) or radio-...
In addition to that, the .pic extension serves to identify plaintext source-code files used in programming PIC/PICmicro microcontrollers (Microchip Technology). A .pic file contains source code of a program written for a specific PIC chip (e.g., PIC16F628A). Before it can be used to fla...
The 16-bit MCU is capable of running algorithms for controlling the motors, actuators, turbocharger wastegates, EGR valves, and oil/water pumps. 4. 8-Bit MCUs 8-Bit MCUs are ideal for ECUs that need to run small program codes. PIC and AVR MCUs are brands of Microchip Technology Inc.,...
An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a chip, microchip or microelectronic circuit, is asemiconductorwafer on which thousands or millions of tinyresistors,capacitors,diodesandtransistorsare fabricated. An IC can function as anamplifier,oscillator, timer,counter,logic gate, computermemory,microcontro...
Ten to 15 years is not a long time. Many critical pieces of cybersecurity infrastructure in government and industry have remained unchanged for decades. Many computers already or soon to be in use will need to work for the next several decades with minimal alterations. Consider the microchip in...
Though I work for Microchip Technology, Inc. as an application engineer, the views and opinions expressed in this article are my own and are not representative of my employer. Furthermore, although from time to time I do have some exposure to internal financial and operations details of a sem...
A nanochip is a computer chip that is measured in nanometers, or a computer design that's based on nanotechnology. Generally, the...