In order to make static memory allocation and execution of the codes/ methods we use STACK MEMORY in Java. Access to this memory is in Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order as the stack by nature follows LIFO. A new block on stack top is created when we call new method that contains specifi...
Apache Maven is a Java build tool and dependency management engine that simplifies the development, packaging, testing and distribution of applications that use the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and their deployment target. How does Maven simplify Java development? ...
What are the “get” and “set” Methods in Java? The “get” method is used to return the value of the private variable, and the “set” method sets/allocates the value of the private variable. These methods are a part of the “encapsulation” process in which the sensitive data is...
The article helps you to understand what is Java, history pf Java, what is Java used for along with its features and concepts. So, click here to read more about Java
"non-static reference is not allowed inside static methods". Why? because instance may not exist when the static method gets called. They are not associated with any instance, you can call them even on a null variable without throwing NullPointerException in Java. In short, you cannot use ...
What is the use of setBounds() method in Java - The layout managers are used to automatically decide the position and size of the added components. In the absence of a layout manager, the position and size of the components have to be set manually. The s
method overloading is nothing but using a single method name to define method to perform different tasks based upon the type of input it gets. for ex- int sum(int,int) will return the sum in integer while float sum(float,float) will return the sum in float even though both methods hav...
Method References in Java By: Rajesh P.S.Method references in Java provide a concise way to refer to methods or constructors without invoking them. They can be seen as a shorthand notation for lambda expressions when the lambda expression only calls an existing method....
Discover what is encapsulation in Java, the technique of hiding class data and behavior behind public methods. Improves code quality, security, and maintenance.
Ques 2. What is the difference between a final method and final class in Java? Ans.A final class in Java cannot be extended, while a final method cannot be overridden. Ques 3. Can final classes have static methods in Java? Ans.Yes, final class in Java can have static methods. ...