This is not a messianic figure – it’s simply a person who defends their moralistic beliefs vigorously. Of course, those moralistic beliefs have to be rooted in charity; the utilitarian notion of the greater good outweighing the greater evil need not apply. ...
‘When I watch Virgil DJing, I’m struck by his messianic relationship with his fans. They follow his fashion with the same intensity. But I think it’s much more about him than anything he actually makes. Like he was someone they were all waiting for. Cometh the hour, cometh the man....
sort of. They claim Christianity but have not read or studied the Bible, except for Abe the Bartender, a Messianic Jew. They go to church at Christmas and Easter, but it is more of a social event than a Holy event. Over a period of years and a series of tragedies, these friends, ...
“already begin to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history” (CCC 676). The subtle reference here is a condemnation of all human systems that aim to replace Christ with a substitute fortrue...
[1906] and Erest Renan’sLife of Jesusas sources for Le Corbusier’s messianic zeal.) No longer bound by the farm, the manor house, and the eight-hour work day, modern man was free to express himself and pursue a life of enlightened leisure. Machines were the answer to his age-old ...
Hope is central to Erich Fromm's prophetic messianism. Far beyond simply inspiring people to work for the messianic age, hope, properly defined, offers an account of the relationship between the present and the future and of the implications of that relationship for social change. Furthermore, ...
in a way that satisfies the commercial demands of investors and keeps ahead in a fiercely competitive landscape. all while hewing to a quasi-messianic mission to elevate humanity rather than exterminate it. that kind of pressure—not to mention the unforgiving attention of the entire world—can ...
(1)ThefulfillmentoftheMessianicexpectation. From the time of the prophets of Israel, the coming Messianic Age was·characterized, in part, as an age of the Spirit. The active presence of the Spirit constituted one of the marks of the expected Messianic Age. This hope is evident already in ...
The characters for the most part are not churchgoers. Except for Jeffrey Ross, the lead character, all the main characters are believers… sort of. They claim Christianity but have not read or studied the Bible, except for Abe the Bartender, a Messianic Jew. They go to church at Christma...
The promise here is one of deep satisfaction and joy that comes from engaging with God's provision. The "richest of foods" symbolizes the abundance and quality of what God offers, contrasting with the emptiness of worldly pursuits. This is a prophetic vision of the Messianic age, where God'...