Mercury's core is thought to be made of molten nickel-iron with a mantle of solid rock and a surface of loose rocks and dust. Information about Mercury's composition is based on data from the spacecraft Mariner 10, launched in 1973, and the probe MESSENGER, the mission for which ran fr...
The planet has no plate tectonics, which is part of the reason the cratered surface has been preserved for billions of years. The core of the matter Although it's the smallest planet, Mercury is the second densest, topped only by Earth. Scientists used the calculated density to determine th...
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun. It is affected by its long day-night cycle and its proximity to the sun, where it can be affected by solar winds.Answer and Explanation: The atmosphere, or exosphere in Mercury's case, is not closely held ...
Alloys can also form if the alloying agent or agents have atoms that are very much smaller than those of the main metal. In that case, the agent atoms slip in between the main metal atoms (in the gaps or "interstices"), giving what's called an interstitial alloy. Steel is an example...
it was a huge kind of crescendo that he created—a physical, violent crescendo—that was completely linked to love. [The film] was romantic as well [at times]. But his blood is like liquid mercury—you know when you see mercury and it shifts its shape, and yet it remains mercury?
” Duan notes that if the palace had been erected and demolished, as historians thought, there would be potsherds (ceramic fragments) and telltale changes in soil color. “But tests found nothing,” he says. “It is so famous a symbol of Chinese culture for so long a time, showing how...
meteoriteXRDscanning electron microscopyMossbauer spectroscopykamaciteDOI:doi: Mercury (Birmingham, England)Phys.rev.c
Byline: MIKE LOCKLEY I'M beginning to eye our vet (well, the cat's vet) with suspicion. ...Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)Sunday Mercury