If you have more than one growth, the plural term for pterygium is pterygia (tur-rij-ee-ah). If it affects both eyes, it is known as bilateral pterygium.A pterygium may start as a pinguecula - a protein, fat or calcium deposit appearing as a yellowish, raised growth on the ...
Osteoporosis is a long-term medical condition that causes your bones to become weak, brittle, and more likely to fracture. Osteoporosis occurs when your body absorbs more bone than it makes. It is also caused by a lack of calcium and estrogen (female hormone).What increases my risk for ...
This is a type of coverage that’s required in some (but not all) states. It’s a bit like medical expenses coverage, but it helps pay for other expenses while you're recovering from an injury. These could be things like childcare costs or lost wages if you can’t work. Don't let...
Mild symptoms include a red bump, pain, swelling, and itching. Anaphylaxis symptoms include throat tightness, trouble breathing, tingling, dizziness, and wheezing. Anaphylaxis is a sudden, life-threatening reaction that needs immediate treatment.How is an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting...
Aside from common conjunctivitis, ocular herpes is another example of a viral eye infection. Stye This is a painful red bump under your eyelid or at the base of your lashes. They appear when bacteria infect the oil glands in these areas. ...
MedicalDictionary LegalDictionary FinancialDictionary Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia WikipediaEncyclopedia A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close take...
When the damage is minor If you’re in afender benderthat leaves little damage to either car, you may not want to file a claim since it might increase your premium, no matter who is at fault. But be cautious here. If it’s truly a minor bump — say, you hit your brother’s car...
Medical Risk Factors for Stroke Many other health conditions (heart-related ones, in particular) up your chances of having a stroke. By working on controlling these health risks, you’ll lower your risk of stroke—and improve your overall health, too. For example: ...
While enlarged papillae may just be a short-term nuisance, they can also make it difficult or painful to eat, talk, swallow, or even taste food. Inflamed bumps on the back of your tongue — the circumvallate papillae — usually aren’t a cause for concern and will heal on their own...
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