systems dynamics simulation provides results over a longer term and a wider breadth by using sample, historical, or non-static inputs. When an event such as a reduction in revenue or the introduction of a new product line is introduced to the simulation, the analysis provides a wide-ranging ...
Using simulation software to analyze an object’s behavior in the real world, before you build it, isn’t just about short-term savings. It will drive innovative, new paradigms engineers and designers might never have discovered otherwise, improving the built world overall. Building HVAC Combinin...
What is city fabric? The term 'urban fabric' describesthe physical characteristics of urban areas, that is, cities, and towns. This includes the streetscapes, buildings, soft and hard landscaping, signage, lighting, roads and other infrastructure. Urban fabric can be thought of as the physical ...
Surgery is also an “extraordinary” medical intervention but it isn’t always disproportionate. Some newborns are diagnosed with a blocked intestine that would result in death by starvation were it not fora simple, relatively low-risk surgery. In 1982 the famousbaby Doe caseinvolved a couple who...
may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and state to state, the term typically refers to information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either by itself or in combination with other personal or identifying information that is linked or linkable to an individual....
What is the medical definition of infertility? Infertility cannot be defined entirely, and in essence is the inability to have children naturally or without the assistance of modern medicine. Throughout the entire world, the desire and the struggle to have children can be found. Similar to other...
MEDICAL personnelPHARMACYPHYSICIANSINFORMATION resourcesINFLUENCER marketingThe article focuses on the importance of avoiding the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations. Topics include the wide range of conspiracy theories about...
Safety and effectiveness of bronchial thermoplasty when FEV1 is less than 50%. Chest. 2020;157:509–15. Article PubMed Google Scholar Chupp G, Laviolette M, Cohn L, et al. Long-term outcomes of bronchial thermoplasty in subjects with severe asthma: a comparison of 3-year follow-up ...
Medical textbooks have always taught—and clinical practice correspondingly operates on the supposition—that type 2 diabetes can only “inexorably progress.” The belief is that once a patient with diabetes requires pharmacointervention, the disease is intractable. This long-entrenched dogma is omnipresen...
For example: “With her service specialization in language translation for medical documents, she became an indispensable asset to hospitals and clinics worldwide.” Derivatives of ‘special’ The root word of ‘specialization is ‘special.’ The word ‘special,’ which is primarily an adjective, ...