medical school graduates chose psychiatry, the lowest proportion since 1929. Success in recruiting such graduates is necessary to maintain adequate numbers of psychiatrists. The authors' goal was to gain an understanding of the determinants of specialty selection to ensure adequate recruitment.They ...
the first year or two of med school are reminiscent of undergrad, she says, because the are very lecture-based. “however, the content and the amount that we get all at once makes it so difficult,” she says. “there's a metaphor that med school is like drinking out...
Hope and love are popular themes of literature and art in many human societies. The human physiology of love and hope is less well understood. This review presents evidence that the lack of love and/or hope delays growth disturbs development and maturati
If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see ourGet Help Nowpage for more resources. Takeaway Psychiatrists are mental health professionals and medical doctors. This title sets them apart from others in the field, like therapists. A combination of psychiatry and psychotherapy can...
The study of sexual dimorphism in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders is challenging due to the complex interplay of diverse biological, psychological, and social factors. Males are more susceptible to neurodevelopmental disorders including inte
For this section of ourMed School Admissions: What You Need to Know To Get Acceptedseries, I’ll provide a brief rundown of what happens after you graduate from medical school. As you have probably realized by now, medicine requires a commitment to lifelong learning. There will always be ne...
Check out ourWhat Is Med School Like?series! Personal growth in medical school Medical school is not only about the time you spend in class. It also involves total immersion in the medical culture. Your classmates become your tribe as you share jokes and trivia that only you can understand....
How Hard Is Medical School and What Is the Med School Curriculum? Job Pay Jobs with procedural specialties tend to pay better, SooHoo says. “We as a society have valued procedures in a different way than we have more cognitive specialties, even though the value to society is not necessaril...
“But if it’s really serious, like the things you’re researching (psychotic disorders), then you often need longer therapy. That you get to work through the matter over many years and don’t get released after three months to end up as a revolving door patient for the rest of your ...
The worldwide prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been constantly increasing in the last decades. With rising life expectancy, a longer diseas