mean 意味着,意思是 be meant 这里是个被动语态,一般会出现在问题中 : by 后可接名词性结构What do you mean by ...是你不明白对方为何要做某事或为何这样说,询问意思或意图的句型,比如说 what do you mean by beauty?望采纳 谢谢 ...
答案 what is meant by 何谓...、意味着...、...的意义是...双语例句1.Let me explain what is meant by determination by repeating a statement made by Rotary International during the Executive Board meeting in January. 让我重复国际扶轮社在一月执行委员会会议期间的一项声明,解释决心意味着什么。2.N...
Error_1_It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. Error- Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than...
Posted by: Sue LohTo explain SDKs I will start with what an OS Design is. The CE OS has a ton of “components” that can be controlled using SYSGEN_ environment variables, that are set or unset based on what an OEM chooses out of the Platform Builder catalog. A “component” is ...
Many SDKs also include APIs (application programming interfaces), which can be used as building blocks within the toolkit provided by the SDK. APIs allow different applications to communicate with each other. Ultimately, an SDK is an important program that benefits developers in app creation. ...
Refer toWhat is meant by the terms OEM, EMS, CEM, ODM and why should you know? 话外: 对于汽车行业 OEM其实就是指整车厂,在行业内经常叫主机厂,是Original Equipment Manufacture(原始设备制造商)的缩写。 tier1指的是一级供应商(因为汽车的供应链会比较长,会有一级、二级、三级供应商) ...
Gas is the key mechanism that makes the complex computations in Ethereum "safe" for the network to work on, because any programs that run out of control will only last as long as the money provided by the people who requested they be run. When the money stops, the miners stop working ...
-1 What is meant by Impulse Response 11 For an LTI system, why does the Fourier transform of the impulse response give the frequency response? 9 How can output sequence be equal to the sum of copies of the impulse response, scaled and time-shifted signals? 5 How to id...
The first option is pretty obvious. I understand it completely. But what about the second? What is meant by the word "register"? It creates the file with the string "Ok I have registered your Python"or what? What specific operations will be performed? It's so confusing. I have read th...
This tax is meant to discourage activities that impose a net cost to an unrelated third party. That means that the imposition of this type of tax will reduce the market outcome of the externality to an amount that is considered efficient. ...