Latcham is aware of this normativity, but he uses it to produce an opinion that goes opposite to the one that supports Concha’s reading. For Latcham, Blest Gana has often remained in the realm of the simply inessential: Our criollo writer often positioned himself striking a pose of an ...
6 What is meant by a home-run book? (a) A book which is so good you are unable to put it down. (b) A book that the whole family can enjoy. (c) A children’s book that is read and appreciated by adults. (d) A book that hits hard like a home run in the game of ...
Thus the whole realm of matter, both internal and external, is included in the Aggregate of Matter. 因此,色蕴包括了整个物质的领域, 在内和在外的都算。 The second is the Aggregate of Sensations (Vedanakkgandha). 第二是感觉组合之类——受蕴。 In this group are included all our sensation, p...
I've always wanted to make something of "personal" contribution to it, which is only can only be done if you think by yourself and not follow the general rules of the of the group." In 1912, Duchamp, Constantin Brancusi and Fernand Léger attended the Paris Aviation salon.我一直想为它做...
It is also important to note that within this realm, it is easier to appreciate that understandings and theories created are specific to the people or persons who are creating the theory, the time and place in which they were writing, i.e. their whole social, cultural and economic context...
jazz,musical form, often improvisational, developed byAfrican Americansand influenced by both European harmonic structure andAfricanrhythms. It was developed partially from ragtime andbluesand is often characterized by syncopated rhythms, polyphonic ensemble playing, varying degrees of improvisation, often del...
I think I offer something rather unique to the realm of sex-ed. AW: I will stay in the industry for as long as is viable. I'd like to go back to university to complete my PhD. For my university honours thesis I conducted qualitative research into female experiences in t...
butalsotoknowthebarrier,soinadditiontothetwoMahayanaWalkerbothoffandgetnobarrier,I,nophasenolivingcreatures,andthosewithnoliferealm.Inotherwords,theMahayana proved there is no trouble in state of Buddhahood avoidance and knowledge barrier, and there is no phase, phase, phase I human beings and ...
Fisher Investments is a fiduciary.4 Fee-Only Advisors Within the compensated-by-fee realm of advisors, there is a further, subtle distinction. The payment of fee-only advisors is solely composed of fees paid by the client. For example, a fee-only advisor might charge $1,500 per year to ...
The information belongs to the realm of common sense or is generally part of industry practice. The information is easily obtained without paying a certain price or can be obtained from other public channels. The information is with regard to, for instance, the product size, structure, simple ...