(1) What is meant by τὸ ἔργον τοῦ νόμου, said to be "written in their hearts"? Τὸ ἔργον cannot be pleonastic, as supposed by Tholuck. One view is that it is equivalent to τὰ ἔργατοῦ νόμου, which is an expression frequently...
The British Constitution is usually described as “unwritten", but this is misleading. Parts of the British Constitution are written and some are not. What is meant by "unwritten" is that it is not summarized into one single document as "the British Constitution". Therefore, it is more accur...
1 : an inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors : sanctuary. 2 : a place of retreat and security : shelter. 3a : the protection or security afforded by an asylum :refuge. Who is an other? A. N. Other is used as a placeholder name or, less c...
What is meant by urban bias? Describe the major effects of urban bias. How do socioeconomic factors considering rural areas with low income and vulnerable senior citizens affect the ability to deliver healthcare? Suppose that farmers, business firms, ...
例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15.B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15.答案是C。 1. What does the man plan to do? A. Look for a job. B. Move to a new place. C. Rearrange the furniture. 2. What are the speakers talking about?
When we interviewed BBC StoryWorks senior vice president Richard Pattinson, he called the film “a really, really good example of what native advertising and branded content is at its best.” We agree and think you will to when you see the video for yourself: ...
has an instruction set that is specific to it, different models within the same family often share the same instruction set. for example, all intel core processors use the x86 instruction set, even though there are many different models with varying performance characteristics. what is meant by ...
What is meant by electronic signature? Electronic signatures are another way to provide consent or approval for contracts and other documents, without needing to provide a wet ink signature. It’s the use of a digital markup or impression to signify that the individual creating it has agreed ...
Native social media data is valuable for a quick reference, but your tool should grow with you as you grow and provide more detailed data to help you maximize your social media presence. Five Social Media Analysis FAQS What is meant by social media analytics?Why do you need social media ana...
What Is Meant By "Open-End" or "Closed-End" Fund? Mutual funds and ETFs are both open-ended. The number of outstanding shares can be adjusted up or down in response to supply and demand. A closed-end fund sells a fixed number of shares once, though it might have follow-on offerings...