歌曲:No Matter What歌手: Calum Scott这首歌唱的是歌手他自己,他纠结了很长一段时间,一直对身边的人隐藏自己是gay的事实,终于在他快要崩溃之前,他想对他妈妈坦白这一切,显然,他已经做好了最坏的打算,但最后听到的是h妈妈依然爱他,顿时泪目, 视频播放量 931、弹幕
nerd," that's sarcasm—but it's also verbal irony, since what they really mean is something like "Your fanny pack looks dumb." Not all examples of verbal irony are examples of sarcasm, butall examples of sarcasm are ironic.
In the passage, this generation is now becoming (morphing into) Generation Grunt, which is an ironic name referring to repetitive, low status, routine or mindless work – this may be the only work available to some graduates, who may have to take very ordinary jobs to get experience before...
(countable) An ironic statement. Coincidence Of objects, the property of being coincident; occurring at the same time or place. Irony Dramatic irony: a theatrical effect in which the meaning of a situation, or some incongruity in the plot, is understood by the audience, but not by the chara...
” two desperate men decide to get rich quick by kidnapping a child and holding him for ransom. However, the child in question turns out to be a horrendous burden and, after some negotiating, the men end up paying the parents to take him off their hands. This ironic twist is a ...
Ironic. ... Irregardless (instead of regardless) ... Whom. ... Colonel. ... Nonplussed. ... Disinterested. ... Enormity. What kind of word is nonplussed? what does nonplussed mean? Nonplussed means totally perplexed, puzzled, or confused, often to the point of not knowing what to ...
Blacks were so geographically and socially isolated from the white establishment that they simply were able to retain their own African musical traditions in a virtually pure form. It is thusironicthat jazz would probably never have evolved had it not been for theslave tradeas it was practiced ...
Litotes:An understatement that states a positive attribute as an inverse of its opposite, often for ironic effect. Meiosis:A euphemistic understatement meant to belittle or reduce its subject. Paradox:A statement that, while contradictory, makes logical sense. ...
Anna MilanowiczUniversity of WarsawPiotr KałowskiUniversity of WarsawDe GruyterNephron Clinical PracticeMilanowicz, A., and Kałowski, P. (2016). Zing Zing Bang Bang: how do you know what she really meant. Gender bias in response to irony: the role of who is speaking to whom. Psychol...
The title of the movie is ironic. There is nothing simple about their plan. As Hank chooses to kill people to avoid detection, Lou is quickly taken out of the picture and Jacob’s conscience destroys him. When Hank is finally in the clear, he learns that the money was tagged and ...