Not Him, a short film directed by Sarah Young has made a huge splash at the festival circuit. While Young’s film puts the extremely sensitive subject of domestic violence in focus, it approaches the story with an exciting, genre-film making style. The result of that is a very entertaining...
Cambridge Analytica: What Is It? How Did It Start, and Where Is It Going? Presidents and Prime Ministers: What's the Difference? What Is Collective Security? Its Nature, Features, and Failure The House of Representatives of the Philippines: An Overview...
“What we have with Ferrari, what we get from Ferrari, is amazing. It’s the foundation of Haas F1 Team. But there are areas Toyota can help us outside of that. We’ve been transparent with Ferrari management from the early stage of these discussions. ...
the white robe was still there waiting for me, its hem still pinned from when I wore it last, now able to be let out. I have no idea who played the angel during my hiatus, because our congregation was short on kids, which is part of why I’d been cast in the role every year ...
(It’s never really explained why. Since most of us have seenLady Bird,I guess we’re meant to apply the Greta Gerwig Cinematic Universe shorthand here.) The setup: Barbie returns to Barbie Land a broken doll. She’s seen some shit, like everyday being-a-woman shit: The world is ...
What remainsof the world is shattered and chaotic, and from these ashes rises a Romanian politician promising to restore stability - a politician who is actually the Antichrist. Cloud Ten Picturesproduced three faith-based films in the series between 2000 and 2005 that starredKirk Cameron. Shot ...
I left that place of employment of 25 years in February 2022. I am not sure if this is a hiatus or if I am semi-retired, but the amazing relief I felt immediately upon giving notice told me it was the absolute right decision. Can’t quite afford to be retired yet, so after a mon...
I can't even imagine what that meant to him. (via LdlO)/2 Comments/[ 01.31.11 ] »I'm deep in preparation for the holidays, and I might as well make it official: I'll be on hiatus for the remainder of 2010 and into the beginning of 2011. Happy holidays to everyone, whichever...
The FL is very undesirable in the way she behaves. I’m not very sure yet whether it’s the acting or the writing meant to be that way. 3 reply Name Email * Register or Login (Get credit for your great comments) cancel Send Required fields are marked * skelly May 20, ...
Here is a Windows 10 backup option that looks like the Windows 7 backup option. (This option was used under Windows 7 and is currently used under Windows 10 with all the same steps.) Backup early. Backup often. Make sure you have a stand-alone separate boot disk. On permanent hiatus {...