If any object is placed in the gravitational field, then it will experience a force that is known as gravitational force. The field can be produced by some point mass or by any object.Answer and Explanation: Gravitational intensity is defined as the measurement of the force that is experienced...
2 (a) State what is meant by work done.---[1](b) A beach ball is released from a balcony at the top of a tall building. The ball falls vertically from rest and reaches a constant (terminal) velocity. The gravitational potential energy of the ball decreases by 60J as it f...
Gravitational potential energy between 2 objects is ##-{G\times M\times m\over R}.## My question is, does the value of this equation of this equation mean...
Describe a situation in which an object gains the same amount of gravitational potential energy when two different paths are taken to the same point. Explain why this is. Describe the mechanisms which cause the membrane potential changes during an action potential in the axon of a neuron. ...
energysectorbyasmuchas85percentbyreplacinggasandcoalwithcleanelectricity.Otherparts oftheeconomy,suchasshippingandproducing,arehardertoelectrifybecausetheyoftenrequire fuelthatishighinenergydensity(密度)orheatathightemperatures.Greenhydrogenhas potentialinthesesectors.TheEnergyTransitionsCommission,anindustrygroup,saysgr...
What is meant by ionic product of water ? View Solution What is demineralised water? How is if formed? View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep...
Your body's mass on the moon is the same as its mass on the earth. The earth's gravitational pull, on the other hand, decreases as you move farther away from the earth. Therefore, you can lose weight by changing your elevation, but your mass remains the same. You can also lose ...
What is Gravitational Potential Energy? Discussion Comments By anon1004446 — On Feb 12, 2021 I have an idea: humans are using millions of barrels of oil, which the main part of this oil is used in our vehicles everyday. suppose that for a full tank of your private car you pure 50kg...
He theorized that the event horizon, the boundary of no return, wasn’t definite but was more of a fuzzy region because of quantum mechanical uncertainties and is, therefore, an apparent horizon. This makes black holes a superposition of gravitational states and, therefore, grey holes, allowing...
What is a system simple definition? 1 :a regularly interacting or interdependent group of items forming a unified whole a numbersystem : such as. a(1) : a group of interacting bodies under the influence of related forces a gravitational system. ...