Hacktivists tend to target people or organizations they feel represent beliefs or practices that violate the principles held dear by the hacktivist organization. Regardless of the benevolent nature of some hacktivist actions, hacking into an organization’s system is still a crime. ...
What is SSL/TLS Handshake? This cryptographic protocol secures communication between web browsers and servers. Learn how it works, processes, and more.
What is meant by encryption and decryption? What does Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away mean in the OSI-Model? What should a data protection policy contain? What is reconnaissance in ethical hacking? Consider the following threats to Web security and describe how each is countered by a ...
Spoofing is a cyberattack where scammer masks their identity to trick you into giving up personal data or clicking on malicious links. Read more in this blog.
Potential for misuse.Kali Linux is a sort of double-edged sword in the cybersecurity world. While the Kali Linux system is meant for ethical hacking and security testing, bad actors can use it to their advantage. Because of this, there's always a risk that or bad actors may misuse it ...
What Is White Hat Hacking? White hat hackers engage in ethical hacking because they use their skills to help improve cybersecurity. White hat markets are alive and well because these hackers are in demand. White hats are often referred to as security researchers and act as independent contracto...
Hacktivism is meant to call the public's attention to something the hacktivist believes is an important issue or cause, such as freedom of information, human rights or a religious point of view. Hacktivists express their support of a social cause or opposition to an organization by displaying me...
What is the role of ethical hacking in strengthening national security? How do social engineering tactics evolve with new technologies? More Research Paper Topics by Category Research Paper Topics On Business How do subscription models affect consumer loyalty? What drives the success of micro-businesses...
Hackers have a broad range of motives that sometimes overlap, from generating mischief to conducting corporate or political espionage. However, a lot of hacking is done simply for profit. Corporate espionage Hackers have taken industrial espionage high-tech with phishing attacks meant to gain access ...
Hacking is an activity, and what separates any activity from a crime is, very often, permission. People are free to drive, but they do not have permission to drive 150 miles per hour – that’s reckless driving and it’s a criminal offense. Bankers can...