And Ali (peace be upon him) said: The most wondrous part of the human being is the heart. It has elements of wisdom, and others that are quite opposite. If the heart is lifted by hope, ambition debases it; if ambition boils over, greed destroys it; and if disappointment takes hold,...
"Bonus Marchers" numbering more than 20,000 remained in Washington after this decision, demonstrating discontent so much that President Herbert Hoover called for the Army's help. Hundreds of troops intervened on the marchers’ camps force that left two protesting World War II veterans dead and ...
Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as eternal destinations, the biggest examples of which are Christianity and Islam, whereas religions with reincarnation usually depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations, as is the case in the dharmic religions. Hail ...
But Martin Echavarria, PhD, Dean of Psychology, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, tells us people today are likely to give it another definition: “Acedia is not the same as depression although, since Acedia is fairly unknown, it’s possible that some things diagnosed as depression have acedia as ...
To add insult to injury, the block where Madame JoJos et al were is now scaffolded and shrinkwrapped with glossy pictures of what used to be there, the area’s legacy presented as a reason why you should patronise its upcoming unaffordable incarnation. “Here’s an appropriated snap of a...
seeded doubt before the election and stoked the flames of denial and discontent for months. It is why we had an attack on the US Capitol on January 6th. The same anger that lead to death threats against Richer and Hickman and for people like Busch to toss around words like “lynching” ...
Her success was aided by ongoing labor strikes known as the Winter of Discontent. Once in power, Thatcher reduced social programs and enacted sweeping privatization of public housing and mining industries. In this photo by Aubrey Hart, the prime minister appears with husband Denis and son Mark. ...
The Chinese character is 气(simplified version) or 氣(full version) A common meaning of “qi” isbreathorrespiration.Tai chiplaces a great importance on breath. Your teacher might say, 深吸一口气 Shēn xī yī kǒuqì. “Take a deep breath.” Whereas covid-19 can cause 上气喘促 Shàng ...
For one, you need to keep a close eye on thoughts and behaviors that come naturally to you. You may not know it, but they may be the source of your discontent. More importantly, angel number 6666 is a call for you to be more honest with yourself. Doing so will help you understand ...
Altitude is determined by attitude. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride. Always look on the bright side. Am I my brother's keeper? An apple a day keeps the doctor away. an arm and a leg an earful An idle mind is the devil's playground. ...