The key takeway here is that graphing and alerting were once completely separate concerns performed by different tools. You could write a check script to evaluate a query in Graphite and generate alerts on that basis, but most checks tended to be on unexpected states such as a process not ru...
The AI industry is selling that smiley face hard. Consider howTheDaily Showrecently skewered the hype, as expressed by industry leaders. Silicon Valley’s VC in chief, Marc Andreessen: “This has the potential to make life much better … I think it’s honestly a layup.” Altman: “I hat...
13、ences.STATISTICALPHYSICS.THEFUNDAMENTALWDIFFERENCEINSTRUCTUREThatwouldbeaverytrivialremarkifitweremeantonlytostimulatethehopeofachievinginthefuturewhathasnotbeenachievedinthepast.Butthemeaningisverymuchmorepositive,viz.thattheinability,uptothepresentmoment,isamplyaccountedfor.Today,thankstotheingeni 14、ousworkof...
Observe real work Use real examples and artifacts ( "Artifact": An object created by human workmanship) Interview while she/he is working More reliable than asking them Context exists even when not a "work" activity Use work here just to mean "doing something" Can be home, entertainment, et...
and other times he found angels who looked like devils. when asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way you feel after the creature has left your company. If you are appalled, he said, then it was a devil who had visited...
It seems like philosophers take the “something it is like” or “like something” phrase to be a theory-neutral or “innocent” way to reference consciousness. But while “qualia” can be taken from its Latin roots to mean “what kind” (fitting my categorizing conclusion treatment a few...
is some small positive quantity depending on . Iterating this, one could hope to get arbitrarily close to . A general principle with these sorts of continuous induction arguments is to first obtain the trivial implication in a non-trivial fashion, with the hope that this non-trivial argument ...
What are "historical facts" (as opposed to everyday, trivial facts)One: "Basic facts" --- dates etc:I am reminded of Housman’s remark that‘accuracy is a duty, not a virtue’…..It is a necessary condition of his work, but not his essential function.It is precisely for matters of...
where is the quantity where is the set of all tuples such that for . Thus for instance, the identity is trivial for . When , the inequality reads which is easily proven by Cauchy-Schwarz, while for the inequality reads which can also be proven by elementary means. However even for...
Would you please tell me which digit is “shifted by one place to the left” to yield your new leading digit with its infinitely many successors? Nana:: Oh, come on, you know what I mean. You are just being stubborn. Constance:: No, in fact, I don’t. Fortune:: I believe Constan...