Does your OSS/BSS have a “Golden Path” or a “Frankenstein Path?” “One of my favorite things about designing software is designing the defaults. The defaults define the experience for everyone out of the box. And, therefore, Our latest labour-of-love project: An OSS/BSS Process Mappi...
This integration capability allows for seamless operation with existing OSS/BSS systems, preventing the creation of new automation islands. In addition, the suite includes a controller for automating the deployment and lifecycle management of bare metal servers, consolidates inventory and aggregates ...
Following the BSS is the Network Switching Subsystem (NSS), which handles call routing, subscriber management and overall network intelligence. Finally, we have the Operation and Support System (OSS), which allows operators to monitor network performance while also helping them troubleshoot service iss...
Sayak Boral is a technology writer with over eleven years of experience working in different industries including semiconductors, IoT, enterprise IT, telecommunications OSS/BSS, and network security. He has been writing for MakeTechEasier on a wide range of technical topics including Windows, Android...
Following the BSS is the Network Switching Subsystem (NSS), which handles call routing, subscriber management and overall network intelligence. Finally, we have the Operation and Support System (OSS), which allows operators to monitor network performance while also helping them troubleshoot service ...
男性,25岁,反复发作头痛3年,每年春季频繁发作,先有左侧鼻旁烧灼感,而后觉左侧眶周剧烈疼痛,伴有左侧结膜充血、流泪,约2小时可缓解,每日在夜间熟睡后头痛发作,除眼结膜充血外,查体未见神经系统定位体征,发作间期完全正常。头颅影像学检查未见异常。 诊断首先考虑为 ...
For telecom automation to take flight, it must be implemented the right way—by leveraging all available and up-to-date information contained within multiple OSS and BSS databases. What’s needed is an end-to-end view of network assets that delivers 100% visibility, making it possible to pin...
Broadcast and VOD services Digital Rights Management Content Content Live Notification Subscriber & Server Distribution Consumption RDP Application System Store Server Live Video Encoder SMS OSS/BSS Terminal Client Server Gateway Server Broadcast Gateway DServers IP Acquisition STB Server Core...
For telecom automation to take flight, it must be implemented the right way—by leveraging all available and up-to-date information contained within multiple OSS and BSS databases. What’s needed is an end-to-end view of network assets that delivers 100% visibility, making it possible to pin...
Entamoeba histolytica is an anaerobic parasite that is primarily found in the colon; however, for unknown reasons, it can become invasive, breaching the gut barrier and migrating toward the liver causing amoebic liver abscesses. During the invasive process, it must maintain intracellular hypoxia ...