What is love? 爱是什么? Seriously, though, what is it? 说真的,它到底是什么? What is love? 爱是什么呢? A verb? 一个动词? A noun? 一个名词? A universal truth? 普遍的真理? An ideal? 一个理想概念? A common thread of all religions? 宗教信仰的共同点? A cult? 一种狂热的崇拜? A...
The rise ofgenerative AI is also fueling various concerns. These relate to the quality of results, potential for misuse and abuse, and the potential to disrupt existing business models. Here are some of the specific types of problematic issues posed by the current state of generative AI: It c...
it can extrapolate from its training data to state falsehoods with just as much authority as the truths it reports. This is what AI researchers mean by hallucination, and it’s a key reason why the current crop of generative AI tools requires human collaborators. Businesses must take care to...
Since the model is only predicting the next word, it can extrapolate from its training data to state falsehoods with just as much authority as the truths it reports. This is what AI researchers mean by hallucination, and it’s a key reason why the current crop of generative AI tools ...
That does not mean that customer experience is not important to Mercedes. Quite the opposite. It means that customer experience is so important that satisfaction is not enough. Instead, the company wants its customers to feel delighted by their experience with Mercedes. ...
What is stress? Present a real-life example of a situation and describe it using the three interpretations of harm/loss, threat, and challenge. What will be an ideal response? What is the difference between internal validity and external v...
Most B2B buying decisions are influenced by multiple stakeholders. A common mistake when targeting is trying to pinpoint the decision maker. But in nearly every case, that solo decision maker doesn’t exist. That’s why it’s essential to target all stakeholders who can potentially inf...
A Great Change in Body Image Standards词汇短语extent n.程度;限度;大小;范围To some extent what she argues is true.她的论证在某种程度上是符合事实的。dominate v.支配;占绝对优势;左右He tended to dominate the conversation.他往往左右着交谈的内容attainable adj.的;获得的This standard is easily ...
What is meant by joint action in biomechanics? Define fluid balance What is a non-mechanical wave? What is punctuated equilibrium? What is hydrostatic equilibrium stare? What is being equilibrated in hydrostatic equilibrium? What is ideal mechanical advantage?
Complete the following checklist to score your startup against these seven indicators. The ideal outcome is to get as low a score as possible. If you get zero, that's fantastic, but don't be concerned if you answer "yes" to some. By completing the remaining modules in the Founders Hub...