The answer is a little complicated, as the two forms of vitamin B9—folate and folic acid—are not absorbed by the body in the same way. Broadly speaking, you’ll need more folate than folic acid to reach the appropriate daily intake of 400mcg of dietary folate equivalents (DFEs) per ...
or capable of pregnancy should take a daily supplement containing 400-800 mcg of folic acid," Dr. Low Dog says. "Dietary supplements include the mcg for folic acid and dietary folate equivalents (DFE) on the label: for example, 400 mcg of folic acid is equivalent to 666 mcg DFE." ...
Mfgu: uif pme Dbsmpx HBB dsftu. Sjhiu: uif pof jouspevdfe jo 2009. Ju't b nbuufs pg qfstpobm ubtuf, pg dpvstf, boe nbzcf ju’t qvsf optubmhjb tqfbljoh, cvu uifsf xbt b dfsubjo dibsn boe ujnfmfttoftt up uif qsf-njmmfoojvn eftjhot, nboz pg xijdi xfsf dmptfmz ...
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