For example, a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey has results that are on a 0-10 satisfaction scale. When should you use qualitative research? One of the important things to learn about qualitative data is when to use it. Qualitative data is used when you need to determine the particular tre...
We used MAXQDA to identify the common components of the different concept maps. Using the image coding function, we were able to carry out deep analysis of the maps alongside each other so that we could see their common features. We were also able to link each map to the corresponding teac...
MAXQDA Stats is a stand-alone statistics module that accompanies MAXQDA software, providing frequently used descriptive and inferential statistical methods. MAXQDA Stats is now available with two great features: 1. Link and interact with data from a MAXQDA project ...
In short, to answer the question: what is contentanalysis– it is a method used for describing written, verbal or graphic communications. Content analysisis a widely used research process. In simple terms, it is a method of research that changes qualitative data into quantitative figures. This ...
Traditional quantitative visualizations, such ashistogramsor bar charts, are also frequently used once coding has been completed and the frequency counts established for the tags or themes. In some cases, qualitative data is included to support conclusions from quantitative analysis. The qualitative data...
Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and continued to data saturation. Data were analyzed via MAXQDA 10 software. Results Four categories and twenty three subcategories emerged as meaning of parenting a child with Congenital Heart Disease. Categories include “Emotional breakdown”, ...
Idle time at work is a phase of involuntary downtime during which employees experience that they cannot carry out their work tasks. In contrast to breaks,
Student were asked to rate their appreciation for every traditional lecture and every expert lab on a 5-point Likert Scale: negative (1), somewhat negative (2), neutral (3), somewhat positive (4), and positive (5). The averages for the traditional lectures and the expert labs are used ...
Use of cues: Which cues are used – in terms of frequency of use – to infer the meaning of an unknown word by German native speaking children at the onset of fluent reading? This is an open-ended question to be answered by descriptive means. The influence of learner factors: Do the ...
for example, how big or heavy their sandwich was) or specifying “quality,” such as composition or origin (such as what type of bread was used for the sandwich and whether the tomato in it was locally grown). Rather, the entries in the diary serve as a starting point for opening a ...