Fixed embedded TTS re-initializing for every speak request when the voice is specified by a short name. Fixed the API reference documentation for the max duration of RecognizeOnce audio. Fixed error handling arbitrary sampling rates in JavaScript Thanks to rseanhall for this contribution. Fixed ...
We are very much interested in your feedback to continue to improve this experience. The comments below are open. Feedback can also be shared throughVisual Studio Developer Community. You can also reach us on Twitter (@VisualC), or via email
Hello,Today I took the exam in portuguese.Since they gave this option I was really frustrated to see that the questions in the exam were badly written and...
basic_string::npos is now available as a compile time constant. std::allocator in C++17 mode now properly handles allocation of over-aligned types, that is, types whose alignment is greater than max_align_t, unless disabled by /Zc:alignedNew-. For example, vectors of objects with 16-byte...
Where n is the maximum folder depth. e.g. to export the root folders and files only: /exportmaxdepth=1 A max depth of 0 means unlimited (default) Gradient in treemap can be now disabled by editing the WizTree3.ini file and setting ...
cpp afxwin1.inl ASSERT error in AfxGetResourceHandle() already defined in .obj Alternative for strptime() AlwaysCreate -> unsuccessfulbuild ambiguous symbol An error occurred while creating or opening the C++ browsing database file... Any idea about invalidoperationexception: no process is ...
The longest known personal name is 747 characters long, so if you declare the max string size as being 1000, as jonnin did, you've got more than enough excess space. You can create the C string on the heap or the stack with that size. Personally I'd do it on the stack so you ...
I'm not sure if the transfer requests are recorded in the activity log, but if they are you could poll that on a regular interval to check for new transfer requests. HiKennyCSP, As Nick already mentioned: There is currently no overview where all open transfers are listed....
The plugin is being used to develop a Game but it isn't feature complete yet. To get started there is a Third Person Template implementation in NimForUE: Why NimForUE? The core idea is to have a short feedback loop while having native performance...
atomic_fetch_maxatomic_fetch_max_explicit (C++26)(C++26) atomic_fetch_minatomic_fetch_min_explicit (C++26)(C++26) atomic_is_lock_free (C++11) atomic_waitatomic_wait_explicit (C++20)(C++20) atomic_notify_one (C++20) atomic_notify_all (C++20) Free functions for atomic flags atomic_flag...