There were Masons in the mob that killed Joseph as he had his arms raised in the Masonic distress call, "Oh Lord, my God! Is there no help for the poor widow's son?" when he was shot. They had a problem with him plagiarizing the Masonic ceremony in the Mormon Temple ceremony. Plea...
The Golden Arch itself is Masonic.” It also represents the arch of Baal TWO PRESIDENTS – SAME SLOGAN President Ronald Reagan’s second inauguration in 1985 also took place in the Capitol Rotunda (Belly of Isis) on January 21, 1985, due to cold weather. ...
In the science of magic the pentalpna is called the holy and mysterious pentagram.Eliphas Levisays (Dog. el Rilucl de la Haute Magie, ii., 55) that the pentagram is the star of theMagians; it is the sign of the word made flesh; and according to the direction of its rays, that is...
“The Mark on the Right Hand”: Less significant events such as the “world” action against Libya in 2011 was also staged by Freemasonry for a specific, future purpose. Pictured above in the Jewish-Masonic handshake is Jewish-Freemason Libyan Premiere Momar Gaddafi, Jewish-Freemason Tony Blair...
By Rosenfeld’s executive order, the Great Seal was openly Judaized, and the sinister Freemasonic pyramid with a watching eyeball, seen here, with the Latin mottos “Our plan has succeeded” and “New World Order” was switched by FDR to the left side. ...
Do you think that which he told you about yourself is true? He went and got the Master Architects! To my Masonic family: He got The Architect not that built Solomon’s Temple, but that built what you see, all of it; and brought us on a westerly course, and hit us in the head ...
The thing to keep in mind is neither the Jews nor the Judeo-Masonic NWO cabal is actually running the game that’s unfolding before us. *Satan* is running the game. And he knows very well how to proceed against mankind: a little here… a little there. By small degrees he eventually ...
So what is the real speed limit on the Garden State Parkway? What is too fast? What is the speed when NJ State Troopers begin pulling you over? Have you been passed by a person who thinks they are on the autobahn? Post your comments below 👇🏻Canva...
Now, pay attention. I just wrote “JUST DON’T”. That said, there is a kind of a self-exorcism, or, better, deliverance prayer, which a lay person can and should recite: Prayers to Break the Freemasonic Curse. These are to be said by someone who was initiated...
"Preacher, I appreciate you coming to our Masonic breakfast. The preacher before you refused, and he never got anywhere with us Masons." You are getting your praise from Satan, preacher. Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to ...