揭示深海的秘密:海洋雪的奇妙之旅 想象一下,一片无边无际的蓝色深渊中,如同天降的雪花,一片片神秘的有机物质缓缓飘落,这就是深海中的独特现象——海洋雪。它并非真正的雪花,而是由生命与死亡的交织编织而成的生态链的纽带。生命之源:海洋雪的构成与生态意义 海洋雪的主体由死去或即将死亡的浮...
Marine snow is a shower of organic material falling from upper waters to the deep ocean. As plants and animals near the surface of the ocean die and decay, they fall toward the seafloor, just like leaves and decaying material fall onto a forest floor. In addition to dead animals and plant...
一只幽灵蛸在吃海洋雪。 by Ocean Exploration Trust 科考船 Nautilus 大部分海洋雪在水深 200 到 1000...
However, daily cycles of marine turbulence in the mixed layer caused a clear cyclic behaviour of particulate matter in the model. Therefore, these results suggested that diel variation of turbulence is the best candidate to explain the daily cycles of aggregates observed in the sea....
Spandex is a synthetic fabric that is prized for its elasticity. Contrary to popular belief, the term "spandex" is not a brand name, and this term is used to generally refer to polyether-polyurea copolymer fabrics that have been made with a variety of pr
What is PCO2 oceanography? What is siliceous ooze mostly composed of? What is CI in oceanography? What is an isocline in oceanography? What is CDOM oceanography? What is environmental geophysics? What did Cook do for oceanography? What is facies stratigraphy?
That would be a covering of ice and snow more than twice the height of the tallest skyscrapers in Chicago. Image the effect if that happened today! CO2 is a global warming gas because it causes the atmosphere to retain heat. The concentration of CO2 in recent years has not only been ...
The carbon cycle is a biochemical cycle which involves the cycling of carbon between the all the spheres on Earth. The carbon cycle is a sequence of events that are important in making Earth being able to sustain life.Answer and Explanation: ...