it is first necessary to accurately described AI practice in this group. To estimate this contribution, we need data on the proportion of FSW who practise AI and at what frequency, with which types of partner AI is practised and whether condoms are used ...
A manuscript is any written work that is not officially printed or reproduced. Today, a manuscript most often refers to the...
For example, an author might write 'I want you to make my novel aNew York Timesbestseller'. While an editor can assist you with making your manuscript moremarketableby helping you give it more polish and identifying, for example, where it departs norms of genre in a way that confounds rea...
Now that we’ve fixed them, all of these sentences are grammatically correct; however, you can see that some definitely read better than others and may be better suited to different circumstances. When you’re editing your manuscript and see a comma splice, try a few different solutions and ...
What is an original? The interests of the historian working with manuscripts, for example those of Jacob and Wilhelm GrimmGERMANYFORGERY of manuscriptsMANUSCRIPT editingAUTHENTICITY (Philosophy)GRIMM, Jacob, 1785-1863GRIMM, Wilhelm, 1786-1859The historian is primarily interested in the content of texts...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) causes high levels of global mortality. There is a global need to develop new antimicrobials to replace those whose efficacy is being eroded, but limited incentive for companies to engage in R&D, and a limited pipeline
When the Sop fulfils all the necessary requirements it is printed. The author hands over the manuscript (or the floppy disk with text) to the SOP administrator who is responsible for the printing. The number of copies is decided by him/her and the author. Copying SOPs is forbidden. Extra...
For more advice on how to write all the differentparts of your research paper, onhow to make a research paper outlineif you are struggling with putting everything you did together, or on how towrite the best cover letterthat will convince an editor to send your manuscript out for review,...
The "fine print" is a term that refers to contract terms and conditions or disclosures placed in footnotes or at the end of the manuscript where it is easily overlooked by the reader. The information contained in the fine print is often essential for the recipient to know but is "hidden"...
One of the earliest and most important sources is the arithmetical manuscript written by Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa, known as “Liber Abaci,” in 1201. It gives examples comparing compound and simple interest. Luca Pacioli’s “Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita” was...