John Piper
“But as some of these [eunuchs] rose to be confidential advisers of their royal master or mistresses, the word was occasionally employed to denote persons in such a position, without indicating anything of their proper manhood.” 1. Eunuch Meaning: Only a Title The word eunuch can refer ...
Bill Delvaux:What’s so fascinating aboutthe Bibleis that it both tacitly agrees the mythological models of the heroic and at the same time upends them. In a subversive countermove, it boldly proclaims that only God is the true hero of the Old Testament narratives, not fallen men. And when...
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, came out. I bought it, read it, and used material from it. Then I did not take the time to consider the history of this issue, which is important. Complementarian
It is that time of year again when left-wingers try to warp the Bible to support their anti-American ideals, and this time of year, they often abuse the birth of Christ by saying that Christ’s earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, were either homeless, were refugees, or were immigrants. ...
Hosea 12 Expanded Bible 12 ·What Israel does is as useless as chasing [L Ephraim feeds on] the wind; he chases the east wind all day [Eccl. 1:14, 17; 2:11, 17, 26].They ·tell more and more lies and do more and more violence [multiply lies and violence].They make ·...
Men's ministry geared towards fathers, sons and young men. Come study what the Bible says about manhood. Malachi Man offersDiscipleship Resources. Get Videos How does Malachi Man work? Gather Watch it on your own or better yet, in a group. You can run it in your living room or church ...
For those who are unfamiliar with manhood mythology, the concept of an alpha male is based on the absurdly illogical belief that groups of humans resemble a wolf pack, destined to be led by an aggressive, domineering leader, AKA, the “alpha.” ...
Theological Instincts happen when the paradigms of God’s Revelation are enacted in the ministry of the people of God such that God’s ministry to humanity is more clearly revealed. Jesus knew that “The Sabbath was made for humans, not humans for the S
Theological Instincts happen when the paradigms of God’s Revelation are enacted in the ministry of the people of God such that God’s ministry to humanity is more clearly revealed. Jesus knew that “The Sabbath was made for humans, not humans for the S