... 期末考试 Final Exam 第01章管理是什麽What is Management... www.mcu.edu.tw|基于6个网页 3. 管理究竟是什么 它具有两大使命:一是“清理观念”,研究“管理究竟是什么”(What is management),也就是促使管理者“从全局的眼光来看管 … tsg-dzyls.blog.163.com|基于2个网页 更多释义...
解析 The process of getting things done effectively and efficiently, with and through people. Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by Integrating the work of people through Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization’s resources。
Learn what management is and How it works in our detailed blog. Understand the different functions of management, its principles, objectives, and levels.
什么是管理(What is management) Management (manage) is the coordinated activity of human centered activities in a social organization in order to achieve the desired goal. It includes 4 implications: 1. management is to achieve the organizations future objectives of activities; 2., the nature of ...
什么是管理(Whatismanagement) Management(manage)isthecoordinatedactivityofhuman centeredactivitiesinasocialorganizationinorderto achievethedesiredgoal.Itincludes4implications:1. managementistoachievetheorganization'sfutureobjectives ofactivities;2.,thenatureofmanagementiscoordination; ...
What is management Whenatreefallsintheforest,andnooneisaroundtohearit,isthereasound?No,thereisnosound!WHATISMANAGEMENT?DEBATE SESSIONOBJECTIVES:•Appreciatethevarietyofwaysofconceptualizingmanagement•Identificationofproblemsindefiningmanagementasapractice•Outlinethecontroversialnatureofmanagementtheory•Appreciate...
Management as a Process As a process, management refers to a series of inter-related functions. It is the process by which management creates, operates and directs purposive organization through systematic, coordinated and co-operated human efforts. According to George R. Terry, “Management is ...
Definition: The term "management" characterizes the process of and/or the personnel leading and directing all or part of an organization (often a business) through..
Definition: Management is the art, science and practice of getting things done through people and resources. It involves coordinating efforts to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources in an efficient and effective way. Management comprises forecasting, planning, organizing, leadin...
Management is defined as those responsible for all or a part of a company or organization. With a manager overseeing such a wide variety of tasks, it can be somewhat hard to characterize what their job actually entails. So, what are the day to day activities of a manager? And what are...