Imagine the beginning of the Universe, BOOM, like an explosion from a gun. And all the rest of the expansion is the Universe coasting outwards. For the longest time, astronomers were trying to figure out what this momentum would mean for the future of the Universe. The Hubble Space Telescop...
But, for all of it, the Universe isstill expanding. What's amazing is, despite all of the things that could cause this expansion, there's onlyonething that the expansion rate depends on. Know what it is? Theenergy densityof the Universe. Or, in other words, the total amount of matter...
The only flaw in their argument is that when you have millions of people dying, the correct perspective is to be yelling at the top of your lungs. 我觉得像豪斯那种依赖客观性的方式跟三岁小孩依赖毛毯没啥两样,永远没任何激情、保持镇定,始终带着客观冷静的慧眼做出正确的诊断;而这种做法的唯一缺陷在...
英语翻译The universe will expand,then it will collapse back on itself,and then it will expand again.It will repeat this process forever.What you don't know is that when the universe expands again,everthing will be as it is now.Whatever mistakes y
onmethatnootherplacehas,”Ginnisays.“IrememberthefirsttimeIsawahumpbackwhale;it justroseoutofthewaterlikesomeprehistoric creatureandIthoughtitwassmilingatus.You couldstillheartheoperaticsoundsitwasmaking underwater.” Therealizationthatthisisapreciousland,to berespectedbyhumans,wasoneofthebiggest thingsthat...
"Much later, when I discussed the problem with Einstein, he remarked that the introduction of the cosmological term was the biggest blunder he ever made in his life. But this “blunder,” rejected by Einstein, is still sometimes used by cosmologists even
the Universe would first have to stop expanding – something that would only happen if the cosmos housed enough energy to give gravity the leading edge. Present cosmological observations suggest that the Universe should expand forever. So, for now, we’re tossing out the easy to imagine scenario...
As this technology moves from prototype to product faster and faster, these have become questions for all of us. But (spoilers!) I don’t have the answers. I can’t even tell you what AI is. The people making it don’t know what AI is either. Not really. “These are the kinds of...
we have charted galaxies reaching almost as far back as the Big Bang, which is thought to have started our universe about 13.8 billion years ago. This means we can "see" into space at a distance of almost 13.8 billion light-years. But the universe continues to expand, making "measuring ...
For example, extending a deadline means to prolong the time period allotted. 7 When considering physical space, 'expand' is used to describe something that grows outward in multiple directions, like a balloon expanding as it is filled with air. Conversely, 'extend' is used when something is ...