Note that it’s very difficult to correctly identify the L1 of the speakers, and that’s because, as Cook & Singleton say, “the main reason for the errors is not the L1 but rather the similar grammars that L2 learners invent for themselves. The lack of inflections, book, (1); the ...
For example, imagine a paper discussingthe causes of World War I. One paragraph might be dedicated to the role that imperialism played in the conflict. The main idea of this paragraph might be something like: "Constant competition for massive empires led to increasing tensions in Europe that ev...
What’s more important, and what is true in any region in the Arab World, is that foreign intervention is a small detail in the midst of the massive historical movement that the Arab revolution represents, which neither the reactionary oil oligarchies nor Western imperialism will be able to c...
Why is theocracy bad? Is the family unit a form of communism? What two principles form the basis for capitalism? What are the implications of Marx argument that in capitalist modernity 'all that is solid melts into air'? What did Karl Marx think about capitalism?
When oppression reaches the point that the connection between the people and the government ceases to exist, the argument of nationalsovereigntyin opposition to intervention becomes invalid. Intervention is often justified on the assumption that will save more lives than it will cost. For example, it...
Finally, the argument that SMEs are of lesser interest since much global trade consists of internal transfer among MNE affiliates misses the point. A National Center for the Middle Market study for the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings surveyed not only firms that internationalized but also th...
The argument is also put forward that when the Soviet Union collapsed there was another possible road that wasn’t taken. A road where the old Soviet planned economy was allowed to continue functioning for a while, thus avoiding economic collapse, and a gentle market reform process was initiated...
I have cast about widely to find a title for this section; and I confess that the word “Imperialism” is a clumsy version of my meaning. But no other word came nearer; “Militarism” would have been even more misleading, and “The Superman” makes nonsense of any discussion that he en...
What was one argument against 19th-century American imperialism? What did the Oneida tribe believe in? What helped democratize American culture early on between 1815-1850? What were the Freedom Riders protesting? What is postmodernism? What was the Revolutionary Youth Movement?
a subject with which it is easy to empathise. Just as, always on an ideological and communicative level, the images of the Assad military and the “great defender of Christianity” (and beacon of American anti-imperialism) Putin against bearded terrorists fuel the rhetoric of the radical right...