Hinduism is thus a religion of continuity, a religion that appears in each creation and does its duty as the Voice of God to impart knowledge and liberate people.
Hindu meditation is normally practiced along with yoga. Meditation has been referenced in several Hindu theology texts. Examples can be found in the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and the Mahabharata. A practitioner of Hindu meditation does not need to believe in any or all Hindu theological teachin...
Hinduism is one of the most famous religious beliefs in the world. There are some major beliefs that are widely known within this religion: 1. The soul is immortal 2. Everyone should strive for Moksha (end of death and rebirth) the three paths to Moksha are Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana. ...
According to Prime Minister Nehru, “Hinduism, as a faith, is vague, amorphous, many-sided, all things to all men. It is hardly possible to define it, or indeed to say definitely whether it is a religion or not, in the usual sense of the word. In its present form, and even in th...
Hinduism, Hari is depicted with the skin color of pale blue like a dark cloud, sometimes lending him the name “The Dark One.” Hari is often portrayed holding a lotus, discus, conch and mace in his hands. Hari is found in the Hindu texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and “Mahabharata....
In the Indian epic known as theMahabharata, Krishna is a human being who is the avatar of the god Vishna. When the brothers called the Pandavas go to war with their cousins the Kauravas, Krishna agrees to be the chariot driver of the Pandava named Arjuna; and when Arjuna expresses doubts...
The stories of Krishna have been told for centuries, dating back to the ancient Hindu texts known as the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita. As a major character in these epics, his presence has been felt through generations. In each story, he is portrayed as an all-powerful god who can defeat...
is seen as both good and bad. He is often considered in Hinduism as anAvatarof Vishnu who, though he taught the valuable lesson of non-harm, was generally wrong in hisphilosophy, i.e.Buddhism. His philosophy, however, did not interrupt Hinduism too seriously, as he convinced the demons ...
From a philosophical perspective, in Hinduism truth must have some characteristics in order to be accepted as truth. Here are some important ones. 1.Truth must be universal. That is, it must be the same everywhere. For example, we may say only the present moment is truth; but the present...
TheHolifestival,between2andMarch,isaHindufestivalandanationalholiday.ThisisrootedintheIndiaepic"Mahabharata",andanotherinthedetailsbelow. EidcalendararoundFebruary,isaMuslimfestival.ThisandothercountriesintheworldisnotwhatkindoftwoMuslimEidalFitr,Eid,theMuslimfastingmonth,duringthedaydonoteat,toEid,Muslimstothemo...